Saturday, March 15, 2008



I realize I'm wayyyyy behind everyone else. But I figure that better late than never is better than never at all. HMMM. I tried to use Flickr and ended up wasting over an hour. I found the site, created my Flickr account, but could not for the life of me move a picture from Flickr to my blog.. Mind you I am a college eduated woman that is highly intelligent. Unfortunately I don't have a myspace site, my phone is only used for calling and receiving calls (very few pictures are taken), I don't even download ringtones. I don't text. (By golly that's what email is for.) and I don't even own a digital camera.

Even highly intelligent college-eduated people have problems with certain computer applications and websites. But, be that as it may, I am moving on nonetheless. Hi Ho, here I go.

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